Rabu, 1 Februari 2012

Boob Gourd From Vietnam

Jika timun dan terong dianggap sayuir-sayuran jenis lucah dan wanita Muslim tidak dibenrkan mengendalikannya menurut fatwa seorang Imam dari sebuah negara di Timur Tengah baru2 ini, dapatkah anda bayangkan bagaimana fatwa yang akan dibuat bila Imam tersebut ternampak buah Boob Gourd ini.

Buah Boob Gourd ini terdapat di Vietnam dan ia adalah jenis buah seperti buah Peria di Malaysia kita yang mana pohonnya jenis memanjat para.

Nak tau info lanjut sila cari sendiri.

Are these for real?

If cucumbers and brinjals are considered obscene vegetables and not to be handled by Muslim ladies, as sounded out by some Muslim clerics recently, can you imagine the horror and disgust felt by the same clerics if they were to see these sold in the market-place? Or maybe they are not to be handled by Muslim gentlemen?

Một số hình ảnh Đất Việt ghi nhận:

Nhưng lại có màu hồng hào.

Và hình dáng gợi cảm như gò bồng đảo của những người phụ nữ.

Salam Ukhuwah..~

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